The Vision.
To protect, preserve and promote the history, character and aesthetics of the Island village of Solomons through the development of architecturally sensitive residential properties. The team behind Avondale is local professionals who are committed to preserving unique qualities of the tidewater and neighborhood.
The concept behind the residential development of Avondale Cottages is to build a family-friendly, sustainable neighborhood that will attract a variety of people that are supportive of a practical and modern approach to design and preservation based on historical precedents. With the inclusion of several scales of house designs, a variety of density and housing needs can be achieved while maintaining a harmonious scale of the overall neighborhood. Small scale accessory structures and detached garages will help frame rear yards, low fences will define the separation between the public street space and private property. Trees, gardens and landscape materials will provide common but varied textures, colors and built elements. Edible landscaping will incorporate fruit, berries, and perennial herbs into the village streetscape.
Unlike other residential developments that have followed design strategies aligned with the New Urbanism, Avondale Cottages is unique in acting as infill within the established village of Solomons Island and takes advantage of the distinctive attributes and assets that can be found there. Style is the most subjective category and hardest to define. The goal and intent of the Avondale Cottages is to create a cohesive and harmonious conglomeration of house styles and scales that respond and respect each other and give recognition to the history and development of the American architectural styles of the late 19th and early 20th century when Solomons was first being developed.
The design & build will encompass high quality sustainable materials, historically accurate details, energy efficiency and the accommodation of contemporary lifestyle requirements. Existing buildings that can support and enhance the vision of the development will be renovated and restored providing a blending of new and old houses in the neighborhood.